Distline - Systems, networks and IT security

Technical support and system assistance

For contract customers, technical support is available from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:00.

Le mode Possible ways to request Distline Technical Support are as follows:
  • Contact the switchboard on +39 0423 615262, reporting your data (name, surname, company, contact number) and the precise description of the problem encountered. You will be offered a short telephone questionnaire to collect all the information necessary for the technical staff.
  • Send an email to technical.support@distline.comThe data to be communicated are the following:
    1.  Name, surname, company and contact number
    2.  Description of the problem
    3. Company area concerned (e.g. production, offices, the whole company, etc…)
    4. IT service or physical device involved (e.g. e-mail, internet, server, etc…)
The methods are equivalent and the use of one or the other does not affect response times.

For contract customers, technical support is available from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:00. To request support, call +39 0423 615262 and follow the instructions of the recorded voice, selecting the button 3. Click on the button below to download Teamviewer, open it to activate the session and follow the operator's instructions.